Vimeco Joint Stock Company successfully held the 2021 Annual General Meeting at the Conference Hall, on the fifth floor of Vimeco Building in the morning of March 29, 2021.
The meeting started on 8:45 am sharp.

The Presidium, the Secretariat and the Vote Counting Committee of the 2021 Annual General Meeting were chosen. The members are listed below:
The Presidium:
- Mr. Duong Van Mau, Member of Management Board, Chairman
- Mr. Nguyen Duc Dung, Member of Management Board
- Mr. Dang Van Hieu, CEO
The Secretariat:
- Mr. Pham Thang, Chairman
- Mrs. Lai Thuy Hang
Vote Counting Committee:
- Mr. Nguyen Viet Mien, Chairman
- Mr. Pham Quoc Viet
- Mrs. Nguyen Thi Thu Huong
- Mr. Nguyen Manh Ha
- Mr. Nguyen Trong Anh
- Mrs. Nguyen Thi Thu Minh

At the meeting, reports below were presented:
1. Report on the performance of the company in 2020 and plan for 2021
2. Audited financial statement in 2020
3. Report on the assessment of the performance of the company by the Board of Management
4. Report on observation and examination by the Board of Supervisor
5. Report on the payment for members of the Board of Management and the Board of Supervisor in 2020 and the plan for 2021
6. Plan for profit distribution and dividend payment in 2020
7. Acceptance of the audit company for the company in 2021
8. Proposal to approve the Company's Charter, Internal Regulations on Company Governance
9. Proposal to approve the operation regulation of the Board of Management of the Company
10. Proposal to approve the operation regulation of the Board of Supervisor of the Company
11. Proposal to approve the transaction policy with parent company Vineconex and/or member companies in Vinaconex

After the reports were presented, Mr. Duong Van Mau, the Chairman, monitored the discussion with shareholders. Finally, the voting part on presented issues was conducted.

Members of the Board of Management were dismissed and new members were elected for the period of 2018-2023. Reports were presented:
1. Report on member dismissal of the Board of Management and the Board of Supervisor in the period of 2018-2023
2. Report on member election of the Board of Management and the Board of Supervisor in the period of 2018-2023

Vimeco successfully holds the 2021 Annual General Meeting

The resignation letters of Mr. Nguyen Xuan Dong, Mr. Nguyen Huu Toi, members of the Board of Management and Ms. Nguyen Thi Quynh Trang, member of the Board of Supervisor, were approved by voting by show of card. New members of the Board of Management in the period of 2018-2023 were also elected.

Mr. Nguyen Khac Hai and Mr. Vu Minh Tuan were elected as members of the Board of Management. Ms. Tran Thi Kim Oanh was elected as a member of the Board of Supervisor.

The meeting ended at 11:30 pm on March 29.

(The report of the meeting and resolution was uploaded on the company website on March 29, 2021 - Investor Relations)

Translator: Minh Phương